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I enjoyed this book!

Inspired by films like Ocean's 11, author Varian Johnson weaves a clever plot and creates a likable and dynamic ensemble of characters who are out to pull a con, lead by main protagonist, Jackson Greene, that involves switching paper voting ballots for the school's presidential election. It's all to stop pompous rich kid, Keith from rigging the election to unfairly beat Gaby, Jackson's crush, and destroying any after school club with members he had a grudge against.The story has a quick, steady pace with humor throughout. Although some of the characters are less complex and fleshed out than Jackson, the climax and resolution were enjoyable, if not exactly surprising.

What I really admired about this book is a character trait rarely seen in middle grade and YA. The character, Gabriela, aka, Gaby, actually chooses an apple and yogurt for breakfast, and without being forced. Jackson drinks Earl Grey tea instead of Coke (that alone is awesome!) His dad makes toast and bran cereal for his breakfast and a healthier version of soul food. Students care about the environment and the importance of recycling. These are elements I have never seen portrayed in a way where they weren't criticized or ridiculed.

Given the fact that author Johnson is African-American, it makes sense that he, being one of a relative few black writers within the children's book world, would be the one to bypass the cliched traits (i.e. a kid who loves junk food and hates healthy food) and introduce a fresh take on character traits.

I can tell Johnson is a huge Star Trek fan (the original television series) due to the number of references to the show. When a character referenced the Uncanny X-Men, I smiled because that was pretty much the only comic book series I read as a kid and it seems Johnson, around the same age as me, must have been a fan too. It shows through excellence in writing, which makes this an even more fun read.

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